This is Bob and Dollar. He is our new GAITED horse. He is a 13 year old Missouri FoxTrotter. As you get older and everything starts to ache a gaited horse can help you ride for longer periods of time. They move front to back instead of up and down.......which means your fanny dont bounce up and down in the saddle. Bob owns half and I own half. When Bob and I ride, he gets Dollar. When I ride with my friends, I ride Dollar. Dollar is King of the pasture. He rules. Next comes SugarBabe and last is poor Logan.
This is Bob riding SugarBabe and me on Logan. SugarBAbe is an Appaloosa/Quarter Horse. She and I have a love/hate relationship. She and Bob get along really good. She is about 20 years old and has some arthritis in her leg joints. She only gets ridden now and then. She is a very sneaky horse. Too smart!!!
I love the colors on your blog! Ans teh horses, of course.
have fun.
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