Friday, June 20, 2008

Mr. Incognito

When I don't feel like being ridden, I put on my disguise so Pam can't find me!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This is Bob and Dollar. He is our new GAITED horse. He is a 13 year old Missouri FoxTrotter. As you get older and everything starts to ache a gaited horse can help you ride for longer periods of time. They move front to back instead of up and down.......which means your fanny dont bounce up and down in the saddle. Bob owns half and I own half. When Bob and I ride, he gets Dollar. When I ride with my friends, I ride Dollar. Dollar is King of the pasture. He rules. Next comes SugarBabe and last is poor Logan.
This is Bob riding SugarBabe and me on Logan. SugarBAbe is an Appaloosa/Quarter Horse. She and I have a love/hate relationship. She and Bob get along really good. She is about 20 years old and has some arthritis in her leg joints. She only gets ridden now and then. She is a very sneaky horse. Too smart!!!


I got Logan when he was 4 years old and I was 40 years old. He is a bay Arabian. The first year he dumped me on the ground and ran away every time I rode him!! He was afraid of everything....I guess or he just thought it was funny to send me to the ground. I almost sold him several times. Bob took out extra life insurance on me. I have now had him almost 19 years. He has calmed down quite a bit.... I still dont trust him 100%

My crazy horse friends

Lisa was my first horse friend. Her horse was Journey, a crazy adopted mustang. She use to feed him peanutbutter and Jelly sandwiches. Now she has Jazz .Lisa knows how to magically produce lemonade in the middle of the night on John's Lane!!

Judi was my second crazy horse friend. Her horse was Fancy. Fancy has this way with her feet to mess up every jump she comes to in the woods!! Now she has Chico. Judi is very smart and can do almost everything a man can do; she said they are messed up because of the "Y" chromosome.

Patrice came along a little later. Her horse was/is Iben. Iben can drink soda from a can. Patrice is so crazy.....she is crazier than Crazy Pam. She rode a picnic table we were dragging with our truck. she even whipped it!! Patrice is the game queen. She would rather play games than ride her horse. She always says she dont care who wins as long as Pam loses!!

We all started a riding club called the Happy Hoofers about 18 years ago!! There is Leyna, Joyce, Patti, Danielle,Wendy, Eileen,Lavelle, Mary, Theresa, Brandy and Coleen is our honorary member living in Tenn.
We meet, eat, ride and shop. Life is good.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I'm Blogging

Mary Gronlund just helped me set up my now I am blogging. This is kinda fun. What do you think?