which was near the coast (didnt make the mountains cause I waited too late) So we went sailing on the Neuse River.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
which was near the coast (didnt make the mountains cause I waited too late) So we went sailing on the Neuse River.
Posted by pamsplace at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Judi's Retirement Trip

The next day we went back to see where they went down. The water had gone down about two feet. You could see that there were two seperate bodies of water with a built up trail between the two--with 3 foot drop offs on each side. Any way the rest of the trails were great. We had a really nice trip. We each took a turn at dinner and a night of left overs. Works for me.
Dennis made donuts one night. Yum Yum! Dennis also had to fix Lisa's trailer and he had a little help from Faith!
The barn was HUGE...a long row of inside stalls and a long row of outside stalls. The owners were really nice. On Saturday Judi and I rode across the street. It was nice there too.(Lisa and Dennis left for home). Judi and I left on Sunday.
Roosevelt State Park is beautiful. We camped on Lake Delanor. The horse barn was four and a half miles away...we did not like that idea. The barn was not as nice as we would have liked but the owners were really nice; they even invited us to ride with them..but we didnt. The first trail was pretty level but the other trails were very rocky and all up,up, up and down, down, down. Good thing we had shoes put on our horses. Our horses got pretty tired. Dollar did really good. No spooking and did everything I asked. He is a really good horse. The first night we left our feed in containers with tops but the coons got into Judi's feed!! The last day we took the Cowboy Trail and Ifinally got to see deer. We would feed, eat breakfast, ride for two hours, go to town or sight seeing, do lunch and not get back until it was time to feed again!!We were both ready to go home by Thursday. It was a 7 hour trip home. I had a fabulous time.
Posted by pamsplace at 5:29 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Watch for Judi's retirement horse camping trip to Alabama by way of Ga.
Posted by pamsplace at 4:33 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Extreme Horse Clinic
horses!!! Within fifteen minutes three or four riders came off their horses. It was a relay race passing pool noodles .Now how many horses know what pool noodles are. They were scared to death. I have to say Dollar was not really afraid of the stuff they had...........he is more scared of butterflies, the wind and logs..I learned that he love to play ball. I am just going to have to buy him one.
Posted by pamsplace at 6:34 PM 2 comments
Labels: horse clinic
Sunday, February 8, 2009
First real estate closing of the year!
Yipee!! I just closed on a short sale and it only took 5 months! Got it just before the bank was foreclosing on it too. Real estate just isn't what it use to be. When I show property now, nine out of ten are bank owned already or short sales!! They are usually stripped of appliances and in poor condition. The banks sell them "as is" which means no repairs.....but you can get some realllllllllllllllllly good deals. It is a great time to buy!! Call me if you want to scoop up a deal!!
Posted by pamsplace at 6:28 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Maine for Christmas
Posted by pamsplace at 5:45 PM 0 comments